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Creating a resource

Find out how to create a resource on Looop.

Odi avatar
Written by Odi
Updated over a week ago

Creating a new resource is easy on Looop. Here's how:

  1. In your workspace, select the create a resource button in the right hand corner. You'll be asked to give your resource a title, and you have the option to add a brief description and assign the resource to a theme:

2. You have the option to create a single page resource, slideshow, SCORM course or a video assessment via Bongo:

3. You have five elements that are always available to choose from: text and images (you can copy and paste from the web or PDF, or write directly onto the page), media (upload your own video/audio files or link from YouTube), quiz (set a single or multiple choice quiz with answer feedback or use open response or free text, when there is no right or wrong answer), link (add a link to a webpage) and file (upload a downloadable file). You can also use import from file to directly import a pptx file:

You also have the option of adding Microsoft files and Google files, as well as iFrames. Please contact us to activate these on your account:

4. The settings of the resource allows you to adjust how your resource works. To access settings, select the settings icon on the top right corner.

You'll see a screen as below (unless you have a quiz in your resource in which case you'll also see a pass mark and allow retries option):

5. Change resource author

The first option allows you to easily change the author of a resource.

Authors are automatically set as the user who created a resource. If you'd like to change this, click set author:

This will allow you to choose another user:

Please note only users that have 'can edit resources' access within the workspace the resource is in will be able to author it. To view the access settings of your workspace, go to manage workspace and select access. Use the drop down menu next to the user's name to change their permissions:

6. Resource style

This option allows you to switch between page format or slides format. You can switch between the two as many times as you need to.


This toggle allows you to decide if you'd like users to be able to comment on your resources. Enabling comments is a great way to allow your users to start a conversation or ask questions underneath a resource, however if this is something you wish to disable you can easily do so here:

8. Set read time

You have the option to manually set a read time for your resource. This is automatically set by Looop based on your content, but if you have text-heavy images then you may want to manually set a read time to be inclusive of that.

9. Access link

This is the URL you should share with your users or use whenever you're sharing your resource. Use the copy icon to copy it to your clipboard:

Remember only users that have been given access to the workspace that the resource is in will be able to view the resource.

10. Cover photo

Images will make your resources stand out and make your workspace look more engaging. To add a cover image for your resource select choose image under cover image:

This can be deleted by selecting remove image or changed by selecting choose image.

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