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Single Sign On (SSO)
Single Sign On (SSO)

This resource will explain the ways you can enable single sign on to allow users to access Looop without using a email and password.

Russel Joseph Balane avatar
Written by Russel Joseph Balane
Updated over a week ago

To put it as simple as possible, Single Sign On (SSO) is an authentication method that allows users to login into Looop with their credentials from another of your systems.

We currently support Google, Google SAML, Microsoft Azure SAML, Microsoft ADFS, Microsoft Azure, Windows Live, SalesForce, OKTA, Centrify, Fourth, OneLogin, Rock RMS, Jumpcloud & Idaptive.

To enable your SSO provider from the above list head over to the 'Account' button and select 'Authentication'

From the Authentication tab in Account settings, you will see the options provided by the OAuth service which provides the ability to login to Looop using other credentials

You can simply enable the right option by clicking the button. Where the button is greyed out e.g. Google SAML, Microsoft SAML, OKTA you will need to provide Looop support with a METADATA file to allow us to enable the communication between your system and Looop. Please speak to Looop support about this and the process to follow.

Where SSO is enabled and users are not provisioning (added) to the system through SCIM it's likely you will need to enable Self Sign Up which means new users can create an account on Looop when they are not in the system already.

Once you have clicked the button for your SSO / OAuth option you will then see the login options available on the login screen - as shown by some of the examples below

You also have the option to completely remove the ability to log in via username and password. If you have enabled SSO and this is the only way you wish for people to login into Looop you can remove this option by clicking the 'Disable Account Name Login' option - shown below

If you have any questions or problems with setting up SSO please get in touch with Looop Support via the helpdesk or through your Customer Success Manager.

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