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Video Analytics

Gather insights on how your videos are performing.

Odi avatar
Written by Odi
Updated over a week ago

Our latest feature Video Analytics allows you to gain unique insights into the performance of your videos. This guide shares how it works.

To enable Video Analytics on your account you'll need to contact Looop Support. Once this is done, head to Analytics - Media:

There are a range of things we track, including:

  • Video and Impression listing

  • Aggregated Stats

  • Filter (date, archived, admins), sort, search, export

  • Engagement Chart

The main summary page will show you the video file name and details of the resource the video sits in to make it easier for you to find videos:

Please note the any video files uploaded to the platform before 29th June 2021 will show numbers in front of the file name due to how they're stored on Looop and any added after this date will show only the original file name. Currently video file names cannot be edited, however this is on the roadmap.

Clicking on a file name will allow you to view the analytics for that video in more depth. Below outlines each of the different things we track and how the data is created:

Video file name: The name of the file when it was uploaded (+ any additions to make it unique)

Resource: Resource the video has been uploaded to

Date published: Date of the parent topic version publish date that included this video for the first time

Impressions: Total number of times the video was loaded as part of a resource view

Unique Impressions: Number of different users for whom the video was loaded at least once across all impressions

Plays: Number of times the video is played

Unique plays: Number of unique users that have clicked play at least once

Play rate: Plays / Impressions (only one play per impression is counted)

Unique play rate: Unique plays / Unique impressions

Average Engagement: Sum of user-video engagement % for video / number of user impressions

Total play time: Total time spent (in hours) on watching video across all impressions

Bounce: Impression without play (Bounce rate is at user level, so after having seen a video, subsequent bounces are not include in the bounce rate)

Filters can be changed to adjust your time range and include admins / archived videos:

Archived videos are any that have been 'replaced' in the resource, deleted entirely or if a resource has been deleted. User data still remains for media analytics even if they've been archived from your account. So even when a user leaves an organisation or is removed from your account, their data for your videos will still remain.

Data can be exported to CSV, which will include more data than what is visible on Looop:

PLEASE NOTE: The tracking is not 100% accurate in IE browser, so we recommend advising your users to use another browser when engaging with videos, or your video analytics reporting may not be accurate.

On Video Engagement Color Graph indicates below:

Blue: is how much unique viewing engagement was taking place on a video over which segment of the video

Yellow: is how many repeat engagements were taking place on the same segment

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