When you add a user to your environment they do not receive a notification you have added them. This puts you in charge of when you add users and how you let them know about your platform. There are many ways to let a user know about your platform and get them to login. You can share a resource or pathway, or build a campaign. You can also send out direct invites.
Inviting users through assigning a resource or pathway
To share a resource with a new user or group of users, select manage workspace in the top right hand corner, then select share. You can share as many resources from the same workspace as you wish. Then type in the user names you wish to share the resource(s) with, or select a group. If the user does not have a Looop account already, you will need to add them within people first.
To share a pathway, select the pathway you wish to share, click manage pathway in the top right hand corner, then select share. You can type in the users name or select a group. The users receives an email straight away advising you have shared a topic, series or pathway with them.
The email includes, the title of the resource or pathway, the name of the admin or manager assigning the resource, the due date (if you have sent one) and a private link to the topic, a series of topics or pathway.
Clicking on Open will launch Looop and ask a new user to enter their email and a password to access their training. An existing user will simply need to enter their password to get started.
Inviting users through creating a campaign
You can also build a campaign to automatically send to new users added to the platform. Check out these handy guides (1 and 2) for further information on using campaigns.
Direct Invite
Admin users can also invite new users directly from people under account on the right hand side of your dashboard. Once you've added the email addresses, you can share your Looop account link.
Your new users will be sent an activation link to a secure login after entering their email address on the platform for the first time. When they click on this activation link, they will be asked to set up a password.
After setting their password they will be directed to the main dashboard, where they'll be able to see any open workspaces or private workspaces you have added them to.
Their dashboard will look similar to the admin view, with the exception of the analytics, account and Intercom features.